When a Scottish lord finds an enchanting stowaway in his stolen cargo, he decides to keep her...
After failing to find a suitable wife, Lord Ian MacLachlan turns his attention to restoring his crumbling estate in the wild, remote Scottish Highlands. When his less scrupulous brothers rove the countryside, they bring back an unexpected prize: a beautiful woman wearing a priceless sapphire. The honorable Ian apologizes for the mistake and offers to return her home.
Home is the last place Miranda Worth wants to be. It took all her courage to run away from her intolerable situation, and she believes a lie is her only defense...even though Ian's eyes make her want to tell him everything. But if she waits too long for the truth, she may lose everything she loves.
Lady in Sapphire is a stand-alone novella set in the Secrets of the Zodiac world.
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