“A moving and original romance.” -- Publishers Weekly “This rousing narrative offers all the best elements of a mythological quest.” -- The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books Vider Bearskin used to be in love with Loki, the Norse god of mischief and orphans. And Loki loved her, too, or that's what she believed, until the day she called his name and he did not come, not even to save the lives of her mother and baby sister. So when Vider helps rescue Baldur the Beautiful and the Alfather offers her a boon, she asks to be made into his first female berserker warrior in generations. Now she doesn't need Loki. She doesn't need any god, because Vider has power inside herself and she knows how to use it. When she's asked to be one of six celebrity dragon slayers in a televised dragon hunt on the Kansa Prairie, Vider never considers declining -- even if Loki is also invited. But Loki seems determined to insert himself into Vider's life once again and she quickly realizes not all is as it seems. There's more than one dragon for Vider to battle: the ancient creatures sleeping under the hills, the tempting god of tricks, and the dragon inside her own heart. With evocative writing and lush world building, Tessa Gratton once again captivates readers with her inventive reimagining of Norse mythology and American life in the latest novella in the United States of Asgard series. “With razor-sharp prose and bone-deep emotions, Tessa Gratton doesn't just tell a story. She invites readers into another world -- one we hate to leave when the last page is turned.” -- Saundra Mitchell, author of Mistwalker and The Vespertine
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