Hear the White Wolf call from the wild, or Penelope Penguin her playing piano. Fly with dragons as they venture outside their lairs. Experience the mystical, magical aura of the pure and loving unicorns that travel in the realms of dreams with the power to make them realities. Take a voyage to the bottom of the sea and swim with Hurricane the Sea Turtle through the ocean depths. Travel to Antarctica with Flamenca the Flamingo, a place where flamingos do not and cannot exist! How did she survive? Imagine a car that wanted to be a boat and vise-versa. Have you ever heard of a Green Turkey that stood six-feet tall or Silver Ghost, the horse said to be 100-years-old or more? They're all here and more in the Labyrinth of Fantasy, written by Kira Danowski, her father, Jeff, and her grandfather, Edwin. We hope your journey is an intriguing one that you will take many times over.