A dashing Londoner's world is rocked by the discovery that a captivating woman disguised in male clothing is working at his gaming den, leading to a risky romance amidst class struggles and hidden threats...Fletcher Westbrook, a dashing figure of wealth and wit, enjoys the luxuries of Regency London, blissfully unaware of the storm brewing around him. As sabotage and danger threaten his world, an unexpected twist leaves him stunned - Siobhan Kenney, the supposed boy he employed, is not only a woman, but a stunning one whose very presence challenges his well-guarded heart. When her true identity unravels after a fainting spell, Fletcher's initial fury gives way to intrigue. Why would a woman go to such lengths?Compelled by desperation, Siobhan Kenney adopted a male disguise, seeking employment and refuge in the heart of London. Her life as an Irish immigrant wasn't easy, especially after her parents vanished, leaving her the sole guardian of her younger siblings. Masquerading as a boy offered protection and opportunity, but exposure threatens everything she's built. When Fletcher proposes a daring plan, Siobhan is trapped between her need for safety and the tantalizing allure of forbidden romance. As they seek to unmask their mutual adversary, sparks of passion ignite a fire neither anticipated.Will the perils of their world, from class distinctions to lurking enemies, quench the flame flaring between them, or will the intense allure of opposites drawing closer prove too powerful to resist? Dive into the tempestuous world of Regency London and find out if love can truly conquer all.________________________________________________________________Secrets, Suspense, and Swoon-Worthy Romance...If you enjoy reading historical romances featuring lovable rogues, enemies to lovers, second chances, class differences, forced proximity, mistaken identities, and opposites attract, you'll adore USA Today Bestselling author Collette Cameron's captivating series: CHRONICLES OF THE WESTBROOK BRIDES. These evocative and compelling tales are infused with a pinch of mystery and suspense, a dash of humor, and a splash of soul-searing emotion. Settle into a cozy reading nook with your favorite beverage and escape into this page-turning, entertaining Regency romance series. Though each book can be read as a stand-alone, readers prefer to enjoy the series in order.CHRONICLES OF THE WESTBROOK BRIDES: Midnight Christmas WaltzMission at MidnightThe Midnight MarquessHolly, Mistletoe, & Midnight SnowThe Wallflower's Midnight WaltzMinuet at MidnightKiss a Rake at MidnightUnmasked at MidnightMemories Made at MidnightOnce Upon a Midnight DreamCHECK OUT USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR, COLLETTE CAMERON'S COMPLETE LIBRARY OF REGENCY AND SCOTTISH HIGHLANDER ROMANCE SERIES: Chronicles of the Westbrook BridesDukes Come CallingFor the Love of an EarlHeart of a ScotHighland Heather Romancing a Scot: Castle BridesSecrets of Scandalous LadiesThe Culpepper MissesThe Honorable Rogues(R)
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