In the final instalment of this gripping series, past meets present and dark secrets lurk beneath the façade of justice...After a brutal break-in at Dudley Green Associates, Ena Dudley and her trusted colleague Artie Mallory are plunged into a dangerous investigation that intertwines wartime secrets, betrayal and treason.When a new client approaches the agency, saying he's received a series of anonymous letters, Ena is intrigued. Digging deeper, they find a haunting photograph of a child taken during the 1936 Berlin Olympics, in a Germany gripped by the Nazis' brutal reign. The letters lead to Michael Crosier, a man believed to have been murdered undercover, and his widow Audrey, who - when they track her down - offers more questions than answers.As Ena travels from London to Scotland, and on to Shetland in a fishing boat, she soon realizes that their client's enemies from the war are as dangerous as ever. There's a secret in those letters that's important enough to kill for, even after all these years. Has Ena unintentionally put her own life on the line, and can she solve the case in time to save her client, and herself?A brilliantly unputdownable read - atmospheric and suspenseful. Perfect for fans of Vicky Beeby, Jean Fullerton and Anna Stuart.What readers are saying about this book: A sweeping, winding, twisting story filled with drama, mystery and intrigue - had me gripping my iPad very tightly at times. A great read. Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Thoroughly excellent... a breath of fresh air and something entirely different - but I'm incredibly impressed by the author's skill in telling a complicated story... Very much recommended. Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐Excellent pacing, a brilliant story, superb characters, and wonderful evocation of the period as well as a great crime mystery. Brilliant! Michael Jecks, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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