A retiree's forer into flea-market-world; solace in a little cabin in the wood; a final farewell. These are the winning stories from the 2016 Creative Writer's Notebook Short Story Contest. The Honorable Mention short stories are just as diverse. Discover: A suggestion; pests and persistence; a point of no return; learning the trade; Anything for a party; meticulous preparations; an avocation; Petey's journey; The academic's book; a mild-mannered man; a scent of roses; the tourist; If photos could talk; a promising career; the tontine; with this ring; A snowy night; a question of identity; a story within a story within a story; a trick played … or not; A tangled net; a visit and an unknown future; and a hunting trip. Journeys X presents characters, plots, and emotions in a variety of genres that lead the reader into the fertile imaginations of these award-winning authors. Enjoy!
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