In a distant realm, inaccessible to any human species, a war is fought between two powerful entities. The loser of this war is imprisoned forever and the flourishment of human societies all across the known realms angers this superior being. This entity's hatred for humankind enrages and it plans its revenge by manipulating the leadership of the greatest human society, the Hellinasans. His manipulations drive this leader to build a massive armada for him, to create a council to still planetary resources and shield the entity's true motivations and raise an indestructible army to wipe out all human kind. His final devious act is to recruit a troubled young mind to lead his army of doom. After nearly all of the human societies across the known realm are eliminated, only the humans of Earth stand in the entity's path of total human annihilation. Only one man, Scott formally from the Hellinasan planet of Macabees can save them. The problem is he isn't sure if he can do it or if his real destiny is to save it or not. Is he the prophesized one, the chosen one to stop the soulless army or is it all a farce? In the process, and assistance from allies of the Prometheus Council, Scott prepares to fight the infamous and ruthless leader of the Soulless Army, The Skull General.
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