In the story, "Jack Learns About Disappointment and Sorrow", your children enter the world of a young goose named Jack who has experienced a big disappointment and is looking for someone to care. He finds that his sister, Allie, is just the person to support him. But then an even more significant sorrow hits both Jack and Allie as they find that they favorite Granny Lula Mae has died. They find support and caring in their community. And they find that happiness and love can always be found with a little help from your friends.
The old saying "The Sense God Gave a Goose" comes to life in this delightful series of books. The God-given "sense" is values we all would like our children to have. Forgiveness, encouraging and caring for each other are just some of these wonderful qualities. Come along on many adventures with our favorite geese, Allie, Eli, Annabelle, and many others as they venture through experiences where someone who is hurt needs help, someone needs a friend, and a variety of things that young geese learn to help them live together in a community of mutual support.
Biography - Jean R Davis
Jean Davis is the wife of a pastor, a nurse, and a manager in the corporate world of healthcare. She is a mother of three and grandmother of eight. She is a conference speaker in her field of work and has also taught children and adults for many years in the church and other Christian organizations in which she has been involved. She passionately loves all her roles. And most of all she wants all to recognize the passionate love that her Heavenly Father has for us all.