The battleship off the coast of England thought it was the most powerful weapon on the sea.It was wrong!Rising from the depths is an intruder.A machine so powerful.So deadly.That the battleship is blown apart in seconds.The intruder has demonstrated its power and now turns to England.Soon, it will bring its war to land.Nothing will get in its way.Jules Verne and H.G. Wells are two young friends with a common court young women, and to become famous writers.But when their fathers are called off to a war no one knows anything about, both young men are about to enter a world of pain and suffering that only the strongest will survive.The Invasion has begun and if the two young men don't do something drastic, they too will become casualties of the war.Realizing their fathers are not going to return from the battle going on, Jules and Wells decide to fight the Invaders.But what can these two young men do to stop an invasion...from Mars?Book One of the War of the Worlds.Buy your book now.
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