Orphaned in infancy in Ireland and raised in rural Berkshire before his aunt sent him packing to boarding school, George Eccles thought he knew enough about insecurity, fear and disappointment when he finds quiet contentment working in a joinery in rural England.
When he manages to finish writing a horror novel, should he be delighted or distrustful when a publisher tells him it will be a bestseller?
Has life prepared George for the insecurity, fear and disappointment of fame? Or will his adult life become another nightmare in which nothing, not even love, is what it seems? Is he wearing his art on his sleeve, his sources of inspiration waiting in the wings to expose him as a plagiariser, or has paranoia shaken his confidence in his originality?
Colourful and intriguing, Infinitesimal Gradations takes readers on a wild and scary ride that tells of fame, the price of fame - and of what lies beyond.