The saga within the saga continues...Detective Jake Castillo's attempts to work his way back through the death of his fiancée hits a snag as he investigates the brutal murder of a police officer caught in the web of the New York Police Department's widespread corruption. As he delves deeper into the case, Jake finds the corruption goes back even further than he anticipated, and is forced to confront the truth about the circumstances surrounding the death of the man who raised him. Meanwhile, a rare misstep by crime boss Frank Colon leads to an all-out war between the Colons and the Malenkos. Caught in the middle of their father's war are Carlito and Melissa Colon, as the Malenkos have targeted both of Colon's children for death as retribution for the murder of their brother, Freddie.From the author of THE DETECTIVE JAKE CASTILLO SAGA comes an all-new tale featuring the man known as the HELLSNAKE, set during the BLOOD TIES trilogy.
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