In To & Out Of
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Into & out of is a compilation of some of my favourite short stories.Welcome, as it says on the cover of this book. If you look carefully at the cover you will discover that you are and always will be welcome to enter, read, and I hope enjoy.INTO & OUT OF.The worlds and people you are about to meet are mostly fictional, but the possibilities must exist for such, as I have written about them, to exist. Whether good or evil, magical or just plain mysterious, it seems to me that if they live in your mind even for a second, the question you need to answer is do they really exist? There is a scientific theory that states that nothing exists unless you look for it. Therefore logic dictates that as you are looking for something it must therefore exist, so read on with my blessing.Short stories are not always short as you will see. Each tale knows exactly how long it wants to be. Each will clearly inform the writer of its desired length. The writer is therefore only the medium by which the story comes into existence. Now I am sure that you will already believe I am nuts, but ask any writer, stories have a distinctly worrying ability to force the writer to write them. They will disturb sleep or even deny sleep. They will echo through the empty halls of the writers mind, even if they have managed to locate a way to enter into sleep. They will be constantly demanding attention, demanding to be written, to be given the chance to be told. That is the way with stories. They want to be read.Each of the stories I have compiled within this book have haunted me at one time or another. Each has been demanding and finally I have acquiesced to that demand. The end result being that the stories were written. They sat alone at one time as draft ideas, placed (once complete in a dark envelope), waiting. I was almost sure, knowing that eventually their presence would demand that I do something with them, and so dear reader I have. I first re read them all again, edited where I believe it was necessary (hopefully improving the tales) and finally I decided that they should be compiled into this book.Many hours of long laborious construction and thought followed, but eventually they were knocked into a shape and order, one which then deserved a chance to be viewed by you the searching reader. So, that is what I did. I placed them where you might discover them. Now they are gathered and compiled, edited and restructured, and only waiting eagerly to be read by you.Just a final thought, some of the stories are going to disturb you, make you think and wonder, even amaze you or at least surprise you. That is their intent. Others, I hope will make you smile and feel better about the world in which you live. Most of all I dearly hope that they will please you, but at least tonight I know that I will be able to sleep undisturbed by the haunting words demanding to be set down on the page, or so I hope!Enjoy!
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