Love, betrayal, and a deadly secret swirl through the icy waters of Alaska's Inside Passage...Tony Flaner's impulsive escape sends him on a thrilling adventure, where he unravels the tangled web surrounding a college crush turned murder suspect. Can he untangle the truth and save her from a life behind bars?With bullets whizzing past him, Tony must navigate a treacherous Alaskan Cruise Ship teeming with multi-level marketers, comedians, and killers, all on a collision course with chaos. Get ready for a heart-pounding mix of tourism, murder, and blame that will keep you guessing until the final page. In the Wake of Captain Lord will take you on a thrilling ride through a world where trust is as scarce as warmth in the Alaskan wilderness.Tony Flaner is back, and his newest case is his coldest and most complicated yet.
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