We've all spent time cleaning up our personal effects in attics, basements, or storage closets that are stacked with boxes and trunks full of memories and reminders of times and persons long gone by. Looking through these personal effects inspires a wide range of emotions and brings back to life the smells, sounds, tastes, and experiences of our lives. For Darryl Gopaul, this is exactly what happens when he comes across the diary from his college years at a private school in Trinidad. Instantly transported to a time over fifty years in his past, he remembers the days and events as if they were just a short time ago. A moving collection of quotations, memories, and ruminations, Gopaul's journey through the corridors of his memories and experiences is a moving portrait of a life dedicated to education, learning, and providing a positive impact on his fellow students, co-workers, and human beings. Now seventy-two years old, retired, and looking back on a resoundingly successful career in medical microbiology, the words of his fellow classmates, professorial masters, prefects, and priests come flooding back in a wave of nostalgia -- and introspection. The questions he asks himself as he examines his life after his college days in Trinidad is this: did he actually put those quotes and encouraging words to use, did they set him up for the academic life that he has lived, or did the events of his life merely happen? Whether the conclusion is one way or the other, there is one incontrovertible fact he realizes: throughout his academic life, the simplicity of their good will and best wishes acted as guides as he continued on. He would meet more people whose thoughtful words of encouragement and support would motivate him, right up until his retirement and beyond. A thought provoking journey spanning a wide range of emotions, In the Twinkling of an Eye: The Change from Boyhood to Man is a stunningly poignant collection of wisdom sure to inspire.
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