In Love with the Wrong Side of the Law
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Thirty-three-year-old Andrea Moore had one dream and one dream only: to follow in her father's footsteps and become a police officer. Losing both of her parents just a couple of years apart meant that Andrea had to relocate to live with her aunt. Under her aunt's guidance, Andrea graduated high school and achieved her goal of becoming an officer of the law. Andrea loved her job until she was put in a compromising situation, one that she wouldn't have seen coming in a million years.Born into the family drug business, Javier Santos became one of the largest kingpins in the world. Javier was all about his money and respect-if you played with either you could kiss your life goodbye. Maintaining his life of luxury required that Javier stay on the wrong side of the law. Then, he met Andrea Moore and was captivated. No matter what he did, he couldn't get the beautiful officer off his mind.Andrea is just as mesmerized. Still, she knew they could never be together, existing on opposite sides of the law. But will her badge keep her on the up-and-up. or will her undeniable chemistry with Javier cause her to risk everything that she worked so hard for all in the name of love? Find out in this drama-filled ride called In Love with the Wrong Side of the Law...
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    • First Edition
    • Sep-2020
    • Independently published
    • Trade Paperback

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