Myth-making writer Al Ewing continues his unpredictable saga of the God of Thunder!The Odinson stood at a gate in a dark wood. In front of the gate stood Skurge the Executioner, bloodaxe in hand, waiting for battle. And if Thor won the combat, then behind that same gate stood Utgardhall and the final death that awaited him — the death he fought for. Because behind that gate also stands the Utgard-Loki, who the Odinson had never yet defeated. And alongside the Elder Trickster, his pantheon — beginning with Nrgl, Lord of Murder-in-Darkness. Even if the All-Father can somehow reach the middle of the Unforgiving City, he must face the beast at the center of the maze: Kemur, who is bull and hawk and serpent, who is the fire and the sword. When Kemur and Thor Odinson meet on the battlefield, perhaps neither will survive!COLLECTING: Immortal Thor (2023) 21-26
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