INTERNATIONAL AWARD-WINNING CHILDREN'S SERIES! I Feel...Different, joins DJ Corchin's popular I Feel... children's book series to help teach kids how our differences are what makes us special. The book explores feeling alone or different because of the way one might act, believe, or look. Like the other books in the series, the simple, silly illustrations help engage a child and start a discussion. The use of solid colors and expressions capture the eye and a mix of vocabulary allows for young readers to be successful. The I Feel...Children's Book Series has been named among the best in family-friendly media, products and services by the Mom's Choice Awards® as a Gold Recipient! Winner of the Children's Literary's Classics Award for Best Picture Book Series, The I Feel… Children's Series continues to be celebrated by children's therapists, speech pathologists, psychologists, teachers, parents and more! The series provides meaningful exploration of our dynamic emotional range in various contexts. Not to mention they're fun, witty, and engaging! Check out the entire series! “Engaging, creative, an absolute perfect resource!”