n this final installment...as secrets unfold and lies are told, one of the most solid crews in Miami was slowly folding when one of the biggest secrets of them all threatened to ruin the whole camp. With Brook'Lynn and Wise finding out the truth about each other along with the truth about their family tree, Brook'Lynn wasn't sure if she could turn the other cheek or take advantage of the sweet revenge of killing the man who helped give her life. When people found themselves not being able to deal with the acceptance of their truth, Brook'Lynn found herself taking a terrible loss while becoming the direct target of a kind of evil that she'd never thought she'd have to see. Perfect being the man that he was, was used to being in control of every situation until he realized that every situation couldn't be controlled. Finding himself slipping back into the man he didn't want to be, the only person that could keep him balanced was snatched away from him causing him to lose sight of himself. Realizing that in order for his family to remain solid, he had to be the glue that kept them together; he did whatever it took to make it happen, even if he had to kill some people in the process. With everybody battling their own demons, they all learned a valuable lesson, self growth had to first start with self acceptance, but how easy was it to accept what you couldn't change? Find out how this crew learned the hard way before they realized the values and the importance of love and life.
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