In 1979, Marvel UK launched Hulk Comic, a weekly magazine published across the pond that featured all-new stories starring the green goliath, produced by a host of up-and-coming British talent including Dave Gibbons (Watchmen), David Lloyd (V for Vendetta), Steve Dillon (Preacher, WOLVERINE: ORIGINS), John Bolton (CLASSIC X-MEN) and Paul Neary (ULTIMATES)! Bolstered by the popularity of the live action TV show, the Hulk was a hot property on both shores, spawning years of all-original UK-created comic and text stories! COLLECTING: Smash ! 38; material from Marvel Storybook Annual 1968; material from Hulk Comic 1-6, 9-20, 26-28; Incredible Hulk Annual: Authorised Edition 1980; Hulk Annual 1981-1985; The Super Heroes Annual 1991
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