Hidden Passion
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    Historical Romance
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    19th Century Regency (1811-1820) Contemporary
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HIDDEN PASSION (Regency Men in Love 3) is the third book in the quartet of MM Regency Romances, written by #1 International Bestselling Author Carole Mortimer as C A MORTIMER. Each book features a different couple and can be read as a standalone, but characters from previous books in the series may make an appearance or are mentioned.Hidden Passion features Wulfram Edmund Fitzherbert, the haughty and stern Duke of Wulferston, and the cheeky and outspoken Billy Brown.When the irrepressible Billy Brown accepts a temporary position in the household of the austere Duke of Wulferston, he does so fully aware that his attraction to the much older duke will never be reciprocated.Wulf is a man of experience and sophistication, a member of parliament and a magistrate, and yet the life of respectability he has deliberately built for himself ceases to be important when it comes to the desire he feels to make the irrepressible Billy Brown his own.But all it not as it seems in the duke’s household, and it falls to Billy to expose the person responsible.Will Wulf believe him, or will he assume, given Billy’s circumstances, that Billy himself is to blame?Other books by Carole Mortimer:Regency Men in Love – MM romance written as C A MortimerHIDDEN LOVER (Regency Men in Love 1)HIDDEN DESIRE (Regency Men in Love 2)HIDDEN PASSION (Regency Men in Love 3)Ruthless Regency Dukes SeriesThe Wager (Ruthless Regency Dukes 1)The Mistress (Ruthless Regency Dukes 2)The Widow (Ruthless Regency Dukes 3)The Guardian (Ruthless Regency Dukes 4)The Hero (Ruthless Regency Dukes 5)The Ghost (Ruthless Regency Dukes 6)Series completeKingston Security – Contemporary Romance SeriesKingston’s Ransom (Kingston Security 1)Kingston’s Captive (Kingston Security 2)Kingston’s Redemption (Kingston Security 3)Kingston’s Enigma (Kingston Security 4)Kingston’s Salvation (Kingston Security 5)Kingston’s Obsession (Kingston Security 6)Kingston’s Rival (Kingston Security 7)Series now completeDance with the Devil – Contemporary Romance series:Bks 1 – 5 Series completeRegency ScandalBks 1 – 4 Series CompleteRussian Dragon HeatVLADIMIR (Russian Dragon Heat 1)VAUGHN (Russian Dragon Heat 2)VIKTOR (Russian Dragon Heat 3)Regency Club Venus:Bks 1-5 Series completeSteele Protectors contemporary romance Series:Bks 1-6 Series completeRegency Lovers Series:Bks 1-6 Series completeDragon Hearts:Bks 1-8 Series completeRegency Sinners Series:Bks 1-8: Series completeRegency Unlaced Series:Books 1-9: Series completeContemporary Romance Knight Security Series – spin-off to Alpha Series:Books 0.5–6: Series completeContemporary Romance Alpha Series:Books 1-8: Series complete.Carole Mortimer has written over 280 books, in contemporary romantic suspense, Regency romance, MM Regency romance & paranormal romance. She became an indie author in 2014. In May 2017 she received a Career Achievement Award from Romantic Times. She is the Recipient of the 2015 Romance Writers of America’s Lifetime Achievement Award. Is an Entertainment Weekly Top 10 Romance Author—ever. Carole is a 2014 Romantic Times Pioneer of Romance. She was also recognized by Queen Elizabeth II in 2012, for her “outstanding service to literature”.
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