"The Mansion," a classic short novel by Henry van Dyke, presents an important message that reminds us of the true spirit of giving. In "The Mansion," author Henry van Dyke presents a wealth of good advice about how we can grow through giving--all wrapped in an easy-to-read, entertaining story. If people of today would believe in and practice the ideals set forth in "The Mansion," much of the sorrow, violence, and civil disorder would disappear from our world. War would be nearly impossible, and a new era would begin. While it sets forth nothing new, "The Mansion" emphasizes the timeless ideals of sympathy, self-sacrifice, and good old-fashioned kindness. With the reminder that the only great gifts are those in which the giver forgets him or herself, "The Mansion" is a must-read every Christmas, right along with Dicken's Christmas Carol.
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