From "a writer of heartwarming, emotionally involving romances" (Library Journal), an enchanting tale of an utterly delightful woman and the lawman who never wants to let her go...
Still unwed at twenty-nine, Irish immigrant Molly O'Brien has earned herself quite a reputation in Delight, Wisconsin. Raising four orphans all on her own certainly hasn't helped. Nor has the fact that she's just taken in two strangers with serious gunshot wounds, planning to nurse them back to health. There's just one problem. One of the men is an outlaw and the other's a federal marshal -- and she has no idea which is which...
When U.S. Marshal Hodge Egan wakes to a beautiful vision standing over him, he can't believe his good fortune. That is, until he realizes the woman seems to be under the mistaken impression that he's the outlaw. Not only is Molly refusing to hand over his gun and badge, she's hidden away his clothes. Unfortunately, by the time she realizes the truth, they might both be in a far more compromising position than either of them could have imagined...
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