⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Amazon review: Spent a fun few hours with this light-hearted rom-com set on the high seas. Good pacing, enjoyable characters and a heroine who gets into and out of a series of situations on her own merit in spite of her personal situation. Kind of a modern Love Boat episode, if you will. The setting added another dimension to the tale. Fun!With an impulsive phone call to a radio station and an exhaustive knowledge of 80s musical trivia in her back pocket, young widow Julia Delmonico wins a spot on a Second Chance at Romance cruise to Hawaii. She isn't even sure that she's ready to find love again, but as she floats toward paradise with a piña colada in one hand, she bumps into Martin Estrada—single, handsome, and funny.But it isn't simply smooth sailing: Julia begins to feel that there's more to Martin than meets the eye, and that he might actually be hiding something big from her. Is Martin's past more important than a possible future with Julia? Can she live with his secrets and fall in love again, or is she ready to keep going on alone? With a little advice from the octogenarian in the cabin next door, and a strong nudge from the flamboyant and insistent cupid who's been assigned to Julia on the cruise, she might just take a chance and choose love…
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