Praying For A Cowboy To Love Me, is about a woman and her sister who are sent out to Texas for one of them to be a mail order bride to a disabled war veteran rancher with one hand, and as a new mother to his two children.
The Detective & His Mail Order Bride - A mail order bride travels to Wichita, Kansas, to become wife of a detective. Immediately thrown into a murder mystery, they form a strong partnership, but it's tested as they begin to gather clues about the case.
Minus Two, Plus One - A woman from England, missing an arm because of a birth defect, takes a chance on love to go out west and possibly marry a man with one leg.
Out For Adventure In London, But Kidnapped To New Orleans - An upper class woman out for a night of adventure in London, is kidnapped and taken by ship, along with a lot of other women, to become mail order brides to a group of men waiting for them in New Orleans.
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