A magazine assignment takes a murderous turn for that intrepid sleuth, the Honorable Daisy Dalrymple Fletcher, in this delightful new addition to Carola Dunn's mystery series set in 1920s England...
Late autumn in the Cotswolds, and the countryside. is a riot of red, yellow, and gold. Daisy Dalrymple Fletcher, six months pregnant and blooming, is delighted to visit Edge Manor, home of her old school friend Gwen Tyndall, to research one of her articles. Since 1606, the Tyndalls have held an annual fete celebrating the defeat of Guy Fawkes' plot against the monarchy. But this year, amid the fireworks and festivities, Gwen's father and a visiting Australian are found dead. It seems that Sir Harold turned the gun on himself after shooting his guest. Sir Harold was a bully with a famously short-fused temper, and many -- including his own children -- might have secretly wished for his demise. But could the apparent suicide really be murder? Now, as Daisy investigates alongside her husband, Detective Chief Inspector Alec Fletcher of Scotland Yard, an explosive family secret emerges -- one that a trigger-happy killer will do anything to protect...
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