Gold, Ghosts and Woollys is a fictional work, conceived solely for the entertainment of the reader. The story unfolds, to the sheer delight, of a child with a vivid imagination before the age of radio, T.V., telephones, cellphones, and computers. Household electricity was still in the future. Entertainment was tall tale telling.Such was my life, raised by grandparents, about to start school in 1948, a long way from town and all its conveniences. In that long ago age, people still talked to one another. Old folks could still talk to kids - and kids, could still talk to adults. In that long ago age where, God, family, country, and compassion for our fellow man, governed our lives. What affected one, affected all. The isolation of today was unknown back then. Self-reliance and reliance on our fellowman was expected and accepted. Gold Ghosts and Woollys is a fictional portrayal of a time lost in this modern world. My heartfelt hope is that the reader of this tall tale enjoys the view of the world, now lost in today's insanity, posed as progress.
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