Girl on an Island
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    Contemporary Romance
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A forced proximity, steamy romcom with her brother's best friend! Girl on an Island is #3 in the Girl on a Plane series. . . coming in June 2024. Bridie Kennealy isn't afraid of sharks. Not exactly. It's being stranded in the middle of the ocean, drowning and then being eaten by sharks that's her particular nightmare. So, why was she moving to a tropical island in the Pacific Ocean? Good question. It could be because her last flatmate/situationship/regular fella up and left without so much as a goodbye kiss. It could also be her job as a social media manager stagnating, no longer all fun and games. A marketing manager job at a new, exclusive eco resort sounds exciting. Also scary. But a girl needs a little adventure once in a while.Except when Bridie arrives on the island there's a surprise waiting. A shark in human form. Aidan O'Donnell is her brother's best friend from back home in Ireland and a man she never wanted to see again. He was her first crush who really did crush her heart as a teenager. She can't even look at him without dying inside. Only it's hard to look away from the muscles he's gained working in construction, not to mention that devilish smile. Her new island home is more crowded than expected! And the temperature is rising . . .
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    • First Edition
    • Jun-2024
    • Cassandra O'Leary
    • eBook
    • Jun-2024
    • Cassandra O'Leary, Author
    • eBook (Kindle)

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