Girl in Love
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The Play's the Thing...

Stella Allward didn't have much faith in Courtney Burr's new play "Girl in Love," since all his others had been flops. But touring with the show in summer theater would be good expereince, even if it never made it to Broadway. Besides, it was a chance to work with her idol, producer Frank Mitchell, and with an old friend, Bob Collier -- or was he more than a friend? Stella couldn't decide.

To everyone's surprise, as rehearsals progressed, "Girl" really began to look like a hit...or would have if its star, Anna Wade, had more talent. Unfortunately, Anna was the show's biggest financial backer; it would go on with her...or not at all. But there was something else Miss Wade wanted besides top billing: a new husband. Her choice was Frank Mitchell, who not only wasn't interested in the part, but was beginning to discover a woman as well as a talented actress.

A part in Courtney Burt's new play, “Girl in Love,” may prove to be the break that Stella Allward has been waiting for. Her hopes are high as she hurries to the posh hotel where the star and the producer are having a reading of the play in order to convince potential backers to invest. The producer of the play is Frank Mitchell, a man much respected on Broadway, and a man whom Stella has always admired. Bob Collier, a good friend from off-Broadway, will be touring with the company as it goes from one summer resort town to another before appearing in the fall before the critical audience of New York City. Bob has helped Stella to give her part and looks forward to a long summer or persuading her to give up acting and make him her career.

In the beginning it doesn't seem to matter what all of Courtney Burt's plays have been flops or that the star, Anna Wade, has little talent and less patience. This may prove to be Courtney's best play and Anna, at least, has in lieu of other backers, offered the financial support that is crucial to even try as success. However, as the show progresses, Stella becomes aware of the people and problems that may prevent the show from ever opening in the big city.

There is Jay Morris, the comedian whose hilarious style and popular name are needed, but whose sarcastic manner and drunken sprees make him little liked.

There is the handsome, but much aged Geoffrey Foster, whose worries increase day by day, as his wife is desperately ill.

And there is Anna Wage whose financial hold on the play gives her, she believes, the power to have all the things as she would like. And she would like, more than anything else, to have a new husband before the summer season is through.

Hero: Frank Mitchell
Heroine: Stella Alward
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