In a dystopian world of a parallel universe the world's first super-powerful villain has emerged, called Psychopath. Soon afterwards, whilst on a visit to Glastonbury Abbey with his twin flame girlfriend Lily Langton, Joshua Newman is struck by Psychopath's Sociopathic Stare. A Near-Death Experience follows, during which a powerful Being of Light transforms Joshua into New Britain's first paranormal hero, called Ghostman. Blessed with the strength of an archangel, the power of flight and more, whilst protected by a hooded costume and cape made of pure ectoplasm Ghostman must save the world from the wrath of Psychopath, as he searches for the Holy Grail and King Arthur's sword, Caliburn. As the story unfolds The Merlin reveals an ancient Covenant regarding the shared history of Britain and America, as Psychopath, aided by Papa Romulus and VIPER seeks to restore the so-called Holy Roman Empire and then lead the world to Armageddon. Unexpectedly joined by a Ghostwoman, together Heaven's Heroes must free the world from the effects of Soporific Sorcery and stop Psychopath, before it's too late.
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