Wow, Ned, why didn't you beat them up? asked Jonny. Cor yes, that was a bit scary... But how could I beat them up when there were five of them and one of me?Ned and Jonny go to the same Youth Club as George but Ned has to keep his wits about him otherwise he gets stopped for Stop and Search.Their Club Leader, Mat is quite cool. His T-shirt says Let's Do It. As well as games and snooker, he plans community help events. So George persuades Ned and Jonny to join the group for painting and decorating to help a lady spruce up her flat after the Grenfell Fire disaster.At school they are studying the Cavaliers and Roundheads and another group of protesters called Quakers, who were continually thrown into jail.Through this topical story George changes Ned's life forever...a story of camaraderie and courage, innocence and brutality...This book tells the story of George Fox and the beginning of the Religious Society of Friends, Quakers. It begins with the hasty arrival of some lads into the meeting house on a Sunday morning as the lads hide to escape from a group of others who want a fight. After the Meeting, the intruding group is welcomed by other young people in the Meeting and invited for coffee and biscuits. As they get talking they ask about the meeting and Quakerism. The response leads to some of them asking further questions and being invited to join the youth club happening a few days later.The book then moves to follow many of the same group at school exploring the life and ideals of George Fox. The class continues as the class is divided into six six groups for an art class. The groups are each are given handouts about Fox and then are asked to produce an artwork for each handout illustrating the ways in which Fox responded to events in the life of religious seekers in the 1650s.
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