The great trees, the Lalas, are mysteriously dying, and along with them, their chosen, their bond-mates, threatening the balance of power on the entire planet. The heir to the throne of Gwendollen lays unconscious in the heights of Seramour, under the protection of Treestar, leader of the southern elves. His son, prince Elion, is trapped in Pardatha, a city under siege. The three who were called' to educate the heir in the areas of combat, the arcane arts, and ethics, the Lady, Filaree par D'Avalain with her companion, Cameron, Robyn dar Tamarand, and Cairn of Thermaye, accompanied by his best friend and guardian, Calyx, respectively, are all in transit to Pardatha from their various homes. All three are unaware of the Dark Lord, Colton dar Agonthea's attack upon the city, and all three believe that the heir, Davmiran, is still in Pardatha, guarded by its noble lord, Baladar, whose calling' summoned them initially. But, betrayed by the arrogant son of a rival baron, Dav has been spirited out of the safety of the walled city of Pardatha, and after a strange and dangerous series of events, ends up in the healing arms of the elves. In Baladar's possession is the ring, endowed by Calista, the Lady of the Island, with the power to awaken Dav. The Tomes of Caradon, the histories and prophesies of the land, point to this young boy as the one who will find the gem of eternity, harbored within the body of the First', the greatest of the Lalas, the sentient trees, and determine why the Lalas are dying. But, the tomes are ambiguous, leaving much in doubt. Colton has his own plans for the heir, and he must capture him before he is awakened, and assumes his powers with the help of his teachers. He, too, believes Dav to be in Pardatha, the city to which he was cast' by his guardian, Mira, as his parents were slaughtered, and his own kingdom fell around him. Colton mounts a massive attack upon the garrisoned city before the others arrive. Unbeknownst to all, cairn encounters a young Chosen, Tomas, on his way to Pardatha, and takes him under his wing after his aunt and uncle are tragically killed in a suspicious set of circumstances. This is no ordinary boy, though, Cairn shortly realizes, as he joins him on his journey to Pardatha. Later, they also befriend a runaway, young dwarf, Preston, who joins their party as well. A fast friendship develops between the two boys, whose ultimate roles in the quest for the gem of eternity will be vital.
Everyone arrives at Pardatha during various stages of the siege and battle, and each contributes in his or her own way, to the provisional defeat of the enemy. Their relationships are solidified under these trying circumstances, and they are united in purpose, though heartbreak and hardship has touched them all.