"I am Gastien Beauchamp, artist and lover. Any Frenchman would tell you that a peasant could never own property in nineteenth century France. Yet here I am, in my very own studio. The personal cost was horrendous. I barely survived the choices I made, and my sanity was pushed to its limits.
Still, I finally now have security, peace, and freedom. For the rest of my life I can spend time "making love to the color", making love to beautiful women, and enjoying the wild nightlife of bohemian Montmartre. What more could a man need or want?
Then, one night, I see her. One look at Sophie, and my heart wants to betray me! I try to tell myself that I know better. Who needs love, anyway? I am already married-to my art!
No woman would ever understand and accept my lifestyle; nor am I about to give that lifestyle up. Not when I paid so dearly for it! Besides, I am too badly damaged to ever open up my heart...and if Sophie found out about my past she would not want to even know my name. I can't take that chance. I have had enough pain to last me a lifetime."
This historical fiction novel is book 2 of a 5 book drama/family saga for adults (The Gastien Series). As such, it contains adult themes and graphic scenes. Each book can stand on its own, but is most compelling read in order.
Historic people, places, events and things in this book: Au Lapin Agile, Montmartre, Eiffel Tower, Exposition Universelle, bourgeois, bohemian artists, Chat Noir, Le Procope, Notre Dame de Paris, Le Procope, Moulin de la Galette, Moulin Rouge, Place du Tertre, Pigalle, opium dens, absinthe, hashish, Impressionism, abstract painters, nineteenth century Paris, influenza
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