Following decades of war and the recent catastrophic loss of an entire planet, the Human Planetary Alliance is riven by internal disputes and rivalries. The military's old guard fights for power against those who see a chance to turn things around.After a series of hard-fought victories, Captain Carl Recker is becoming recognized as a man who gets results - a man who knows how to beat the Daklan. Unfortunately, enemies from his past would prefer to claim his successes as their own, and Recker finds himself caught between two factions within high command. Escape comes in the form of a mission, though it's nothing run-of-the-mill. Given command of a new heavy cruiser, Recker is sent to track down a missing Daklan fleet and recover the alien technology it was searching for. It's going to be tough and assistance comes in the form of a Daklan desolator, commanded by a larger-than-life officer who knows his missiles from his Terrus slugs.Deep within territory contested by the Meklon and Lavorix, Recker and his opposite number will need to work closely together. Trust is in short supply, while enemies are not. Faced with countless hostile aliens and their technology, Recker has his work cut out if he wants to stay on the right side of dead.And soon, he will draw the attention of the Lavorix empire breaker. The Galactar is coming, and against it, Recker stands no chance at all. Galactar is a traditional-style science-fiction action adventure and the third book in the Savage Stars series, following directly after events in Fractured Horizons. Expect space combat, ruthless aliens, mysterious tech and lots more.
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