A child's nighttime adventure story about a cat named Fuzzy Finny who explores Birmingham, Alabama's various landmarks. Fuzzy Finny visits Sloss Furnace, the Civil Rights Institute, Railroad Park, Regions Field, the Birmingham Botanical Gardens, the Alabama Theater, and Vulcan Park. This is an exciting and fun way for your child to learn about Birmingham, Alabama and its rich history.
The book is a full color 26 page book. The goal of the book is to give children an opportunity to learn about Birmingham and it's wonderful landmarks.
Reader Reviews
My daughter absolutely loved this book. It's a great bedtime story filled with amazing illustrations of the city. The pictures are appropriate for night time reading since they are darker tones and not too bright for little one's eyes. I want to take that Fuzzy Finny home with me. He is so cute. Andrea M. Cevasco
This story is cute yet informative from beginning to end. I've used it to tutor reading. It's a great way for young children to learn about the Magic City. Jesica Bonner
The pictures in this book are enchanting and magical. Fuzzy Finny is a curious, cuddly, independent Birmingham, Alabama adventurer who knows when it's time to head home and go to sleep. My children and I have read the book together several times. We never tire of seeing the different landmarks and following Finny around the city. Very enjoyable! Anonymous