Frozen Idol
The Untouchable Superstar...

Ten years had passed since Dolph Wakefield had given an outspoken gamine a lift in his Jaguar in the hills near Nice and succumbed to her innocent sensuality. He'd let himself fall in love with the wood sprite that was Bedelia Fronsby at nineteen, and when she'd vanished from his life without a trace her betrayal had filled him with icy sorrow that no woman since had been able to melt. Now he'd been cast in a film backed by Delta Cosmetics-and suddenly, impossibly, she stood before him: the siren who'd stolen his soul and stopped time with her gentle passion. Bedelia felt snared, held, captured by the Viking whose power to compel her surrender had only deepened over time. She had to make him understand she'd left to save his career from the scandal her stepbrother promised would ruin him, longed to beg his forgiveness and spark new fires between them that nothing or no one could cool. Could she bewitch her fierce pirate into cherishing her always?
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