Corocovo, King of Palacha, has run into unexpected “marital difficulties” in his relationship to his wife, Aashon. Together the couple rule over a kingdom where the populace have never known a Creation Myth, a Fall, or a schism of their psychologies. On Planet Ztam, they worship their star, and each year hold a week of Games and Orgies where clothing is neglected in favor of sport and pleasure.However there has been a growing disaffection in parts remote to the great tradition of the Games, as they have been practiced for generations in Sil. And along the way, a group of runaway children, acting out their personal visions of freedom and loss of innocence, are made as pawns between differing areas of the King’s concern. On Ztam, they’ve never known sexual guilt trips, nor had any idea they came from anywhere else than the soil of their planet. During the Games, all bets are off. The Queen's doctor meets with an old friend, and a love affair is rekindled.Some situations depicted may be inappropriate for readers under 16.
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