Jae Mochrie is Juliska Blackwell's prisoner. She's tasked him with a simple request, one he refuses to do and the price for his defiance is exactly what he expects.But he sees an out, a possible solution, or at least a temporary solution which might win him more time before she orders the inevitable-kill the people he loves. His friends. His family. Or innocent strangers...Unfortunately, his solution does not go as planned and Juliska's reaction is not what he expects, at all.It sends her into a fury. And to top it off, she sees a ghost from her past. A face she never wanted to see again. These events set off a chain reaction leading to Juliska's first real vision in years.Just how did Juliska Blackwell go from lost girl found and raised by the Svoda, to a Firemancer, to being their Queen? You might think you know her motivation...there's been a few hints along the way.But what really happened when she was kidnapped by Jurekai Fazendiin-the first created and most powerful of the Immortal Grosvenor?And what tragedy ruined what should have been the happiest day of her life? Her wedding day...And who exactly is Uncle Eddy otherwise known as Colin Edward Gillivray, and why did he take his own life? Forcing himself to straddle the world of the living and the world of the dead, for all eternity?It's time for a trip back in time...
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