Follow a Shadow
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It had been a mistake to linger so long in Cordoba but I hadn't been able to resist the mosque.

To a young Englishwoman used to the fog and drizzle of her native land, the idea of a villa in Spain was well-nigh unto heaven itself. The sultry Seville nights, the Moorish palaces, the pulsating flamenco rhythms -- the villa that Harriet had unexpectedly inherited would be such a joy! And so, she was ill-prepared for the deserted cottage approached at nightfall, the barren soil, and the glowering landscape. Nor had anything prepared her for the mysterious prowlers and strange noises that she hears on her fist night in the house.

Alone in an alien country, Harriet is caught up in a web of intrigue and smoldering hatreds which she does not understand and is powerless to control. Even more dangerous than the unknown forces that threaten her may be her own reckless emotions, for she suddenly realizes that she is becoming involved with two different men, both with a charm that threatens to prove fatal!
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