In "Flynn's Quest", CIA Special Operative, Jeremiah Flynn is on a "Quest" to find MI6 agent Kristen Shults, Flynn's love. During his search for her, Flynn learns that bio-terrorist Alfredo Romero has been supplying deadly toxin through his Iranian partner 'Daeva', the 'Devil', to the Syrian Regime for barrel bomb genocide on its own people. Flynn now faces a dilemma: pursue his "Quest" for Love or his "Quest" to right - wrongs and take down the terrorist network. When the two "Quests" become one, Flynn's hunt for Justice and Love take a strange turn of events and Flynn is faced with a conundrum - choose to save his love, Kristen Shults, or the destruction of the terrorist, Alfredo Romero. In order to solve this conundrum, "Flynn's Quest" takes his search all across Europe, Egypt, the Bahamas, and finally to the thrilling, suspenseful events at the Grand Prix of Monte Carlo. His choice is made but, is "Flynn's Quest" over?
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