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Good Cop, Bad Cop A prominent journalist has been found dead, a journalist investigating police corruption. I'm supposed to be working in my new P. I. firm, but the money's not enough so I'm back consulting for the police as a telepath. Turns out this case is a doozy--the journalist was an addict, even worse than I was before I cleaned up my act. But he saved some kids from a sweatshop years ago, and then there's this corruption thing he's been looking into, which makes all the cops sweat. The police's Powers That Be would really, really like for the journalist's death be an accident--the physical evidence even points in that direction. In Mindspace, however, it's clearly murder. With increasing pressure on myself and Detective Freeman to drop this case, I'll have to fight my way through to find the killer. And worse? If it's one of the cops who did the killing, I don't know if they'll get justice, or I'll get paid.
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    • First Edition
    • Nov-2015
    • Alexandra Hughes LLC
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 0991642945
    • ISBN13: 9780991642946

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