The story of handsome, ambitious Ross Pary, born in a lowly Natchez shackand the ravishing Morgan Brittany, who taught him, who taught him all the delights of love at a price no man could pay!
She tore away from him and ran into the bedroom.
“No, Morgan -- no!” he said hoarsely.
She stopped still. “Why not?” she whispered.
“Not here,” Ross said thickly. “Not here, Morgan.”
“Damn your soul to hell. I told you I wouldn't play second fiddle to a ghost!” Then she lunged forward and Ross felt four white-hot streaks of fire move down his face. Morgan's hand came away with bloody nails.
He moved toward her and slapped her right and left, and her head jerked upon her neck, and the tears jetted out of the corners of her eyes.
“You beast, she moaned.
“You big ugly, savage beast!
God, how long it took me to get you untamed!”
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