In a small town in northern Minnesota, Ellie Mittelstadt goes to a psychic where she receives this prediction: if she finds a man named Chris Evans, true love will follow...
Only one problem: Even in the tiny town of Haralson, Minnesota, there are six Chris Evanses!
In Finding Chris Evans: Hollywood Edition, Trina Mitchell finally has her life back on track. Fully focused on her first semester of med school, she isn''t looking for the love of her life. But a little no-strings fling with hunky contractor Christian Evans? Now that feels like a gift from the gods. Until she learns her humble contractor is actually the star of a popular home improvement show--and completely out of her league.
Chris has been building his brand as a celebrity contractor and he''s this close to all that hard work paying off in the form of a big primetime gig, but only if he carefully protects his image as a TV heartthrob--which means absolutely no romantic complications allowed. Not even the one girl he can't seem to get out of his mind.
Love is a distraction neither of them has time for, but when Trina learns their one magical night together is going to have some very real consequences--in around nine months--she needs to find Chris again, stat.
In love and renovations, nothing ever goes as planned. But with a little help from fate, this might just be the perfect time to build their happy ever after.
Now's your chance to fall in love with Chris Evans, too--six different times! The Finding Chris Evans series features NYT and USA Bestselling authors Erin Nicholas, Jennifer Bernard and Erin McCarthy, and award-winning authors Lizzie Shane, Elizabeth Bemis and Jennifer Chance.
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