In a small town in northern Minnesota, Ellie Mittelstadt goes to a psychic where she receives this prediction: if she finds a man named Chris Evans, true love will follow...
Only one problem: Even in the tiny town of Haralson, Minnesota, there are six Chris Evanses!
In Finding Chris Evans: The Royal Edition, LeeAnn Werth has done everything she must to keep the Werth Inn running strong, including putting aside her dreams of flying away from her tiny north woods town.
But at least this summer, the world has come to her. A mysterious foreign businessman has checked in for some serious R&R, and while LeeAnn knows Cris Evans can't be the man's real name, she's fiercely dedicated to her guests' privacy. Especially the incredibly gorgeous ones.
For international soccer bad boy Cristopoulis Matretti, Haralson, Minnesota is the perfect hideout. No one here knows he's embarrassed his native Garronia by punching out his coach… and no one suspects his aunt is a queen. But when a local girl's unexpected visit sends his bodyguards into an uproar, Cris realizes he must flee again -- just when he's finally getting to know the inn's dreamy-eyed, hard-working owner. Still, maybe he doesn't have to leave immediately…
LeeAnn's not prepared for Cris's sudden attention, and her defenses go up even as her heart begins to dance. Consorting with guests who make her long for adventure is something a responsible innkeeper simply does not do.
…If only Cristopoulis had ever learned to play by the rules.
Now's your chance to fall in love with Chris Evans, too--six different times! The Finding Chris Evans series features NYT and USA Bestselling authors Erin Nicholas, Jennifer Bernard and Erin McCarthy, and award-winning authors Lizzie Shane, Elizabeth Bemis and Jennifer Chance.
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