Set in 2010 New York City, "Final Shot" is a mystery thriller that tells the story of devastating family secrets and redemption for past failures. Baruch Gittlestein worries about everything. His doctors say he's paranoid, but Gittlestein knows his fear is real. A woman with red hair stalks him on the streets of New York City. The young man in the post office line plots to kill him. His death from a panic-induced coronary becomes the first in a chain of deadly events that spell disaster for Ike Miller. A Ph. D. psychologist, radio talk-show host, and former college basketball star, Ike is driven by anger over his failure in the NCAA finals and the shooting death of his musician father. Smart and funny, but naive, Ike's got a balky knee and has trouble with love relationships. And things are about to get much worse. The duo that scared Gittlestein to death wants something from Ike. He hasn't a clue what it is. Not knowing puts Ike in a game more challenging than any he ever faced on the hardwood.
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