Nico Storm and his father, Willem, drive a truck filled with essential supplies through a desolate land. A devastating virus has swept over the planet, and they are among its few survivors. Nico―although he is still only a boy―is gifted with superb marksmanship and a cool head, while Willem is a thinker and a leader with a vision for a new community of survivors that they will rebuild from the ruins. And so Amanzi is founded, drawing Storm's “homeless and tempest-tost,” including Sofia Bergman, the most beautiful girl Nico has ever seen.
As the community grows, so do the challenges they face―not just from the attacks of biker brigands, but also from within. In this new world, Nico undergoes an extraordinary rite of passage, testing his loyalty to the limits until he faces the greatest rupture of all―the murder of the person he loves most. Propulsively readable, FEVER is a gripping epic of humanity striving for a noble vision against its basest impulses.
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