Based on historical fact, this novel tells the story of the legendary Edith Cavell, a British nurse whose duties as a healer clashed with the demands of a ruthless occupying regime during World War I. At the request of a brilliant but hot-headed surgeon, Edith went from London to Brussels to create Belgium's first school of nursing. At the height of her success, the German army marched into neutral Belgium and took over her hospital and school. Swept up in the struggle to survive under the repressive and brutal control of the German occupiers, Edith was forced to make a decision when two wounded British soldiers came to her seeking asylum. If she took them in, she would put herself in danger. If she didn't, they would most likely die of infection or by the hands of the Germans. Her decision plunged her into the dangerous and clandestine world of the Belgian underground, where she became an important link in the rescue of Allied soldiers. For nine months, this quiet, religious nurse, went about saving over a thousand soldiers under the very noses of the German command. What happened next is both shocking and suspenseful. It caused a worldwide outrage, shaped American public attitudes of the war, and rocked the German government. Edith Cavell's story is about the profession of nursing, the brutality of war, and the risks of commitment. It is a testament to one woman's courage, resilience, intelligence, and determination to make some sense out of the violence of war. "Patriotism is not enough," said Edith.
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