The Falin Crisis is a full-length novel based on Robert Blumetti's series"Galactic Affairs," that can be found at in space six alien civilizations must deal with a crisis that has thepotential of plunging the entire known section of the galaxy into aninterstellar war when the Hykosan Empire attacks the Elaman Hive and occupies the Falin system. The conflict threatens to escalate as other space-faring civilizations; the Ellasan Federation, the United Planets of Regulus, the Planetary Union of Sargon and the Tallusan Confederation are drawn into the conflict. Representatives of all six civilizations must deal with the escalating crisis through diplomacy, espionage and civil war in a frenetic effort to prevent the crisis from engulfing the entire interstellar community. The Falin Crisis is an excellent introduction to Blumetti's Galactic Affairs.It not only is a fast-paced and exciting story that will draw you into the many plots and subplots, but it allows you to explode each unique civilization, its culture and history that comprise the universe of Galactic Affairs. You can view the Galactic Affairs space map and many illustrations at
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