Fairy Tale Village
A tale of danger and intrigue in the mysterious Mushroom House Village In the quiet, lakeside town of Charlevoix, Michigan, a treasure from Prohibition-era America lies hidden in the walls of one of the town's iconic Mushroom Houses. Passed down through cryptic family journals and maps, the fortune of the Black Rose Syndicate—a shadowy criminal empire built on smuggled liquor and ruthless ambition—has lain dormant for nearly a century, waiting to be claimed. And now, a dangerous heir has come to collect it.When renovation expert Charley O'Brien teams up with Rylee Kingsley to restore her parents' Mushroom House, they discover a secret that places them squarely in the path of Jack Callahan, a ruthless descendant of the Syndicate who will stop at nothing to reclaim his family's lost legacy. What begins as a restoration project quickly turns into a high-stakes adventure as Charley and Rylee unearth hidden compartments, decipher old maps, and uncover the dark secrets embedded in the very architecture of Charlevoix's strangest homes. Fairy Tale Village is a heart-pounding romantic mystery filled with humor, daring escapes, and the allure of secrets hidden just beneath the surface. For Charley and Rylee, some things are worth more than treasure… and sometimes, the greatest discoveries are found within each other. 
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