Evil Lives Here
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She was halfway across the old graveyard when she heard the sound that had become the most ominous thing in the world to her. Quickly, she dodged behind a headstone, her heart thudding so furiously it seemed to rack her whole body.

But the spot was too exposed, the stone not really large enough to hide her. Her pain was forgotten in her desperation to escape the nameless, faceless pursuer. Her fear of the unknown gave her flight an even more nightmarish aspect.

Then her foot came down on an old grave that collapsed under her....

"Something is wrong. Something is terribly wrong," Bridget Kelly told Mike McRaben, her friendly redheaded neighbor. For ever since she had moved to the small town of High Village to occupy the antique shop she had inherited from her Aunt Tweed, Bridget had undergone a series of sinister and frightening incidents.

First she was greeted on her arrival by a German shepherd dog with its throat cut. Later she was lured to a treacherous bog by a mysterious phone call. She was besieged on all sides by unfriendly, and even downright hostile, townspeople. What was wrong with High Village? And why did it seem as if she were the brunt of an attack? She knew that her Aunt Tweed had been an extremely difficult person, and now she wondered if she was to pay for whatever trouble her aunt had caused in the past.

But after a murder was committed, Bridget found herself mired deeper and deeper in a mystery that has shrouded the town and the old Elliot family for many years, and to her horror she realized that one person in particular was out to kill her--for no apparent reason.

The one comfort in Bridget's life of desperation was Mike, and together they sought the elusive solution to the dangerous puzzle that enveloped Bridget like a thick black cloud.
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