- From steel comes salvation! The Eternal Warrior...Gilad Anni-Padda, the Earth's Fist and Steel...is forever charged with guarding the Geomancer and securing the Earth's safety. After completing another brutal mission, the Earth's undying guardian is approached with a cryptic task: find and save a baby ― in whose hands might rest the fate of an entire people! But the Eternal Warrior is no nursemaid...and, to complicate matters, a thousand Magyar invaders want the baby dead. At the edge of civilization, can history's most expert killer keep one precious life alive?
- Start reading here as master storyteller Peter Milligan (Hellblazer) and Eisner Award-winning artist Cary Nord (X-O Manowar, Conan) chronicle the brutal and bloodied history of Valiant's immortal champion in an all-new tale of swords, savagery, and steel.
- Collecting Eternal Warrior: Days of Steel #1â€"3.
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